The description of professional responsibilities of the bachelor in pedagogical education Печать

Pedagogical education - bachelor's degree (undergraduate) in Technology and Computer Science.

This program successfully combines psychological and pedagogical, IT (computer programmer, system administrator, multimedia production developer), engineering and finance-economical spheres of training.

Entering exams (Russian State Exam): Social science, Russian language, mathematics.

The description of professional responsibilities of the bachelor in pedagogical education

The main spheres of professional activity are: education, public relations, culture.

The objects of professional activity are: training, education, development, educational systems.

The bachelor in pedagogical education are trained to work at such spheres as:

  • Educational

  • Cultural and elucidative

  • Scientific and research

The bachelor in pedagogical education is supposed to accomplish the following tasks according to the main spheres of their professional activity:

In the sphere of education:

Studying opportunities, needs, achievements of students in the sphere of education and designing based on the obtained results educational programs, disciplines and individual trajectories of education and development;

Organizing education in the sphere of education using the technologies corresponding to the age specifics of students and reflecting the specifics of spheres of knowledge;

Arranging interactions with public and educational organizations, groups of children, and parents for accomplishing the tasks of professional activity;

Using the opportunities of educational environment for providing the quality of education including the usage of IT;

Professional self-education and self-growth, designing further educational trajectory and professional career.

In the sphere of cultural and elucidative activity:

Studying, developing and implementing the needs of children and adults in the sphere of cultural and elucidative activity;

Organizing of cultural space.

In the sphere of scientific and research activity:

Gathering, analyzing, systematizing and using data on the topical issues of modern science and education;

Developing modern educational techniques considering the specifics of educational process, purposes of education and development of a person;

Experimenting on using new forms of educational activity, analyzing the results.